Uterine Fibroids | OBGYN | Together Women’s Health

Uterine Fibroids


Studies show that 70% of all women develop uterine fibroids, where the fibroid growths cause mild-to-severe pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. The board-certified doctors at Westmoreland Obstetrics and Gynecologic Associates are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids. If you have any questions about your symptoms or you’d like to schedule an appointment, call one of the offices in Lake Bluff or Grayslake, Illinois, or use the convenient online booking feature.

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that most often develop in the muscular layer of your uterus. They can also occur inside the uterine cavity and outside the uterus, where they’re connected to the uterus by a stalk.

Fibroids range in size and grow at different rates, with some rapidly enlarging while others may take years to develop. You can have one or many fibroids at the same time. Depending on their size and number, your fibroids may be too small to detect during an exam or so large they distort the shape of your uterus.

What symptoms develop due to uterine fibroids?

Small fibroids often don’t cause any symptoms. As they grow larger, you’ll develop symptoms, such as:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Longer than normal menstrual periods
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Fatigue due to anemia
  • Frequent urination
  • Lower back pain
  • Painful intercourse

Uterine fibroids may also cause a miscarriage or led to infertility.

How do gynecologists treat uterine fibroids?

Your treatment is based on the size of your fibroids, the severity of your symptoms, and whether you plan to have children in the future.

If your symptoms are mild, your doctor at Westmoreland Obstetrics and Gynecologic Associates may recommend watchful waiting. It’s safe to monitor fibroids for a time because they don’t cause cancer and small fibroids shouldn’t affect your ability to have a baby.

When your fibroids are large or your symptoms are uncomfortable, you may receive medications to relieve the pain or hormone-containing contraceptives to help control heavy bleeding.

Your doctor may recommend a procedure to remove the fibroids when your symptoms don’t improve with medication. Interventions to treat fibroids include:

Barrier Devices

Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes fibroids while keeping your uterus intact.

Uterine fibroid embolization

During a fibroid embolization, an Interventional Radiologist threads a small tube through an artery to the blood vessels supplying the fibroids, then injects medication that blocks the blood flow. The fibroids gradually shrink when their blood supply is stopped.


This procedure removes fibroids found in the uterine cavity using electricity or a laser to destroy the visible fibroids.


If your symptoms are severe and you’re sure you don’t want to have babies, your doctor can perform a hysterectomy to remove your uterus.

If you experience pelvic pain or abnormal bleeding, call Westmoreland Obstetrics and Gynecologic Associates or schedule an appointment online.

Together Women’s Health is here for all of your female health needs. Please note that services may vary across practices and locations.

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